Uterine Rupture Lawyers Representing the Black Community

Uterine rupture is a rare, but highly dangerous, situation for both mother and baby. The baby must be delivered immediately, usually by emergency cesarean section, and the mother may require a hysterectomy following delivery to save her life. 

 Most often, uterine ruptures are experienced by women undergoing a VBAC, or vaginal birth after cesarean. These are women who have had a previous cesarean and are now attempting to have a vaginal birth. Black mothers are thankfully at a much lower risk of uterine rupture when attempting a VBAC than other racial groups. But because Black mothers are 24 percent more likely to undergo a cesarean than white women, those who have undergone a cesarean section are still at risk for uterine rupture during their second pregnancy. 

What Are the Risk Factors for Uterine Rupture?

There are multiple factors that may put someone more at risk of a uterine rupture. These include:

  • Previous or immediate trauma to the uterus
  • Induction of labor
  • Obstructed or difficult labor
  • Overuse of pitocin
  • Previous cesarean delivery, especially if labor was induced in prior pregnancy
  • Prior surgery to the uterus (such as to remove fibroids)
  • Multiple pregnancies of five or more children
  • Fetus in the wrong position, such as breech
  • Prolonged labor of a larger than normal baby
  • Obesity

Induction of labor increases the risk of uterine rupture by five times what it would be for a mother who has a spontaneous onset of labor. 

When to Suspect Medical Negligence

When an unexpected uterine tear occurs, it can sometimes be due to medical negligence on the part of your obstetrician. This can be complex and difficult to prove, so you should immediately consult an experienced lawyer if you suspect negligence was to blame.

When a mother reports severe abdominal pain to her obstetrician, they should immediately investigate for signs of uterine rupture. Yet we know that half of white medical trainees believe outrageous myths, such as that Black people have less sensitive nerve endings than white people. This causes doctors to time and again dismiss Black women’s pain. If such a dismissal leads a doctor to overlook a diagnosis of uterine rupture, then medical negligence may have been committed due to discrimnation

Other reasons to suspect medical negligence include

  • Doctors who fail to properly discuss the risks of a uterine rupture with expectant mothers who are in a high risk category, such as mothers who are obese, or who have had prior surgeries to their uterus. 
  • Using too high a dose of pitocin in an effort to speed up labor to fit a doctors timetable 
  • If a uterine rupture has occurred and the doctor or midwife continues with a vaginal birth.

When to Consult with a Lawyer Experienced in Discrimination

Lee Merritt, Esq. is a longtime leader and influential voice in the fight for Social Justice, representing high-profile civil rights cases like that of Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old Black man recently shot and killed while jogging in Georgia. 

A dedicated civil rights activist and trial attorney, Mr. Merritt runs a distinguished national practice focusing on victims of police brutality, hate crimes and corporate discrimination. As an activist, he has championed police reform and community empowerment. His office has led the way to reform in Texas, a state notorious for its failure to prosecute police officers, successfully advocating for the first murder indictments of officers in the state in over 40 years.

There are many more battles to fight on behalf of the 22 percent of Black women who report discrimination in their medical care. For a free consultation please fill out our form, write [email protected] or call us directly at 1-800-590-4116.

About S. Lee Merritt

Civil Rights Lawyer

Lee Merritt, Esq. is emerging as a leading and influential new voice in the fight for Social Justice. A dedicated civil rights activist and trial attorney, Merritt runs a high profile national practice focusing on victims of police brutality, hate crimes and corporate discrimination. As an activist, he has championed police reform and community empowerment. 

Do you need more information or want to help? 

Our organization can help mothers and their families who have faced medical issues during pregnancy learn about the resources available to them, as well as learn about what action they may be able to take legally due to discriminatory health practices.  Contact us below by email or phone and our team can learn more about your situation and give you free and friendly advice.

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